Thursday 17 March 2011

Travelogue: Vacation Day 7

I told my cousin a few days ago that I feel slightly hypocritical, because even though I have moved away from NYC, I still feel justified in judging tourists, especially when they stop in front of me with their maps and pointing fingers. Although she said that I would always be a NYer, I felt a bit like a tourist myself today, since I took some pictures on Wall St and various other points along the way (I'll load some on here sometime!). But I figured, I didn't take pictures when I lived here, so why not? And I wanted to document the St Patrick's Date Day.

Date Night started when one of my very good college friends moved here last April. When we were both working fulltime it was usually something where we'd do something pretty chilled out on Friday nights--movies or hanging out, usually with 5 Guys (Burgers and Fries) involved. She was "sick" today (and what are "sick" days for, if not 60 degree St Patrick's Days?? Really) and so we had an extended day o' fun together. And fun it was! She lives on Wall St, and I've gotta say that I think that area is my most favorite part of Manhattan. The winding streets, cool little pubs, closeness to water (I didn't realize how much I miss and crave and need and love bodies of water until I moved to the Midwest), and just the old feel to it are so fun--it makes me want to wander about and explore. We did wander a bit, and then took the train up to the Upper East Side, where we waded through some parade crowds, got a hot dog and a knish from a vender, and did some people-watching before going into the Frick.

I have a personal fondness for the Brooklyn Museum, but I think the Frick is my favorite museum here. It's so calming and subtly gorgeous and there is so much to LOOK at! Well, it's usually calm, but today was accompanied by bagpipe-ing out the window, which was actually a pretty great touch. My hawt date and I each picked out which painting we would live in if we could--we both picked Turner's, of course; mine was this and hers was this. Their guest exhibit was a show on Rembrandt, his followers, and their etchings, which was a good time. We went outside, did some parade watching, meandered through Central Park to get frozen yogurt, wandered back for more parade watching, took a rush hour train (with 19474561981 other people) back to Wall St, wandered some more, went over to South St Seaport, and then went to (where else?) 5 Guys for dinner. I haven't been eating meat that much lately, but for some reason a burger just hit the spot tonight. We hung out in her apartment for a bit, and then I headed back to Bk, where this exchange happened on the subway:

Woman next to me, bumping my arm accidentally: Oh, I'm sorry!
Me: No problem!
Woman, reaching into her purse: Here, would you like a peppermint?
Me: I'm ok, actually. Thanks though!
Woman, musingly: Green-striped peppermints for a green-themed day! And tomorrow I'll probably be green at the gills. I don't know why I'm celebrating this, I'm only a fourth Irish.
Me: I'm not Irish at all, but sometimes it's nice to pretend.
Woman: I'm not sure who Duncan McClannahan was or really how we're related, but I am celebrating for him tonight!
Me: Sounds like a good plan. Oop, this is my stop! Have a wonderful evening!
Woman: And the same to you!

Who says NYers are grumpy? Not me. Just don't get me started on tourists...

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